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See below for a full list of our regular events.


Withywood Bingo. Entry from 7pm, eyes down at 8pm. Approx. £6 on entry (depending on turnout). For more information, contact Marilyn on 07788 508 564.





Carpenter's Food & Support (Food Bank). By appointment only.

Clients to be referred by local agencies.


Hartcliffe & Withywood Community Choir. A chance to meet others, sign together and have fun! Free and open to everyone. Tea and coffee provided. Starts at 7pm.


Slimming World. "The freedom to enjoy the food you love and still lose weight beautifully - without counting a single calorie". Both AM and PM sessions. Please call Vicky on 07999 617 075 for more information.


Slimming World. "The freedom to enjoy the food you love and still lose weight beautifully - without counting a single calorie". Both AM and PM sessions.


Prayers for healing in the Church. Everyone welcome. Starts at 10am.


Tai Chi - a journey of self-discovery. Session runs from 10:30am to 11:30am.


Golden Oldies 'Sing & Smile' session on the 1st Friday of every month from 11:45 - 12:45. 


EPIC! Short Mat Bowls. Targeting over 50s but all are welcome. Starting at 2pm.


Sunday Morning Worship. From 10:30am.


Sacred Space. Takes place on the second Sunday of every month. 12noon - Bring & Share your meal. 12:30pm - Informal Reflective Worship.

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