The Withywood Centre
Queens Road
Bristol BS13 8QA
England, United Kingdom
Tel: 0117 987 8400
E-mail: reception@withywoodcentre.com
Terms & Conditions
These Terms & Conditions apply to all that book with us at The Withywood Centre. They may be modified but will continue to apply to all bookings. By agreeing to these Terms & Conditions you also agree to all future modifications/amendments.
We may cancel any booking made with us within 14 days. We will contact you with an explanation if a booking is cancelled.
The terms below are split into two categories of hire but either may apply to your booking.
Professional Meetings, Conferences & Hires
Any miscellaneous charges will be added to the final invoice.
The balance of the account is due no later than 30 days after the date of the invoice.
The centre cannot be held responsible for any disruption to meetings caused by fire alarms and evacuation as these are beyond our control. Please familiarise yourself with our fire exits/procedures. This information is available from reception.
The centre Reserves the right to amend and reallocate booked space in order to remain flexible and accommodate the maximum number of bookings.
The centre reserves the right to cancel any booking with an explanation of why it has been cancelled.
The centre regrets that we cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained due to the act, neglect or fault of the client or of any persons whom the client is responsible.
The client will be responsible for and indemnify the Centre against all costs for loss, damage or injury sustained due to the act, neglect or fault of the client or of any person whom the client is responsible.
The Centre will not open during UK Bank Holidays.
Please inform the Centre should you wish to bring your own refreshments. Should you organise outside catering, you will be responsible for clearing the room on departure.
The Centre reserves the right to charge for any extra time incurred using the rooms outside of the times reserved.
Smoking in not permitted in any part of the building.
Information you have provided will remain private and confidential and will not be passed on to a third party.
You must contact us first when booking private parties or out-of-hours events that are less than 6 weeks from the date of hire. Anything booked out-of-hours within 6 weeks may not go ahead.
Private Parties, Functions & Events
The person that creates the booking on Skedda or signs the Terms & Conditions form will be known as: The Hirer. The Hirer is responsible for
good behaviour of his/her guests and visitors and to ensure that they observe the civil law and licensing laws.
The Centre's property and is responsible for damage howsoever caused during the period of hire.
the cleanliness and the removal of personal items from The Centre, post-function.
A refundable deposit of £50 for damages/cleaning and prompt leaving, will be added. The Centre will be inspected on the next working day and providing the Centre is left in a satisfactory condition, there are no damages​ and you had left The Centre on time, the refundable deposit will be returned in full. The deposit must be paid in cash at least 3 working days before your party.
The balance must be paid in full a minimum of 4 weeks before the booking date.
The Centre reserves the right to cancel the booking if the final balance is not paid in full by the applicable timeline.
Should The Hirer wish to cancel the booking he/she must do so in writing at least 4 weeks before the booking date.
If the contract of agreement is cancelled after the agreed timelines, The Hirer will be charged the total fee for the room hire and catering where applicable.
The approximate number of guests must be submitted to The Withywood Centre at the time of booking.
Exact numbers of guests attending must be provided on the day.
Only alcohol purchased from the Centre bar may be consumed on the premises. Guests consuming alcohol bought from outside of the premises will be asked to leave immediately. This may also jeopardise your returnable deposit and future bookings. The bar will only be available if The Hirer requests it and The Centre agree. Bar opening times on evening events are 7pm to 11:30pm. Lights are switched on and music is turned off at 11:45pm. The Centre MUST be vacated by 11:59pm.
The Withywood Centre accepts no responsibility for property or goods deposited or left on the premises or grounds.
The Withywood Centre cannot accept any responsibility for damage to vehicles or theft of property from vehicles parked in the car park. Owners use the car park provided at their own risk.
The Withywood Centre staff reserve the right of admission at all times.
Heating, Lighting and Equipment will remain under the control of The Withywood Centre Staff at all times.
The Hire of the hall(s)/room(s) is/are subject to approval by The Centre management and is only binding to both parties when approval has been given.
The Withywood Centre reserves the right to refuse bookings at all times. Due to our licensing restrictions we do not take bookings for 16th, 18th or 21st Birthday parties. If you are in breach of this contract, the venue will be immediately closed, bringing disappointment to your guests and any money paid will not be refunded.
If you are hiring a bouncy castle or other equipment (not from us), we will need a copy of the insurance agreement and terms and conditions.
The Centre regrets that it cannot be held liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained to an individual due to the act, neglect or fault of The Hirer or any person of whom The Hirer is responsible.
The Centre cannot be held liable for the disruption to bookings caused by fire alarms and subsequent evacuation of the building (fire alarms are beyond The Centres control).
Should the fire alarm sound, please evacuate at the nearest exit.
In line with the government legislation and civil law, smoking is banned from within the building; smoking is only permitted in the designated smoking area.
Access to the courtyard area via the fire escape is not permitted during functions.
Due to license and insurance restrictions, all guests must vacate The Centre by 11:59pm. As The Hirer, you are responsible for ensuring your guests leave in a timely fashion. Failure to ensure this happens will result in additional costs and your name will be added to a database preventing you from booking further rooms/functions in the Centre.
The building will open at the your start time for a Saturday/Sunday private function. The hirer and all guests will need to have vacated the centre at your finish time. If this does not happen, some or all of your deposit may be kept by The Withywood Centre.
Notification of cancellations are to be made in writing and will be effective of the date received.
Cancellations made:
within 7 days of the event; the customer will be liable for 100% of the total cost
within 14 days of the event; the customer will be liable for 50% of the total cost
within 28 days of a private party, function or event; The Hirer will be liable for 100% of the cost.